the things that i love the most in life are, like most people, the things that i should love the most. it seems that what is good, or worthy of love is much more universal that what one should hate. but i am struggling right now with the fact, well, that so much of what i am supposed to love is turning into, or has become everything that i hate. i don't know how to respond, or act when i am around people or in places that i used to and know that i should love when every semblance of what i perceived to be worthy of my love before is gone and it is just demanding. it's wearing on me, and i'm tired.
i just want to love and be loved in return...
3 days ago
I love you and I'm not just saying that to say it. For real.
You are in the midsts of what is known in spritual terms as "longsuffering":
"Y la caridad es sufrida y es benigna, y no tiene envidia, ni se envanece, no busca lo suyo, no se irrita fácilmente, no piensa el mal, no se regocija en la iniquidad, sino se regocija en la verdad; todo lo sufre, todo lo cree, todo lo espera, todo lo soporta..."
I dont' have a better comment than Mac's right now, so I'll pretend that I said it first. But I have to defer to Mac because now that he's gone, I realize just how dang smart he is. So, sounds like you need to go to Latin America and have a remembrative for something you may have forgotten. I often find when I'm in a shlump of some sort, it's because I have forgotten something.
Seconding Ben, you remember just how cheap those tickets to Brasil were?
Por que já não estamos aí? Ai, nem sei. Mas lá vamos.
People aren't stagnant, neither is the way we perceive our surroundings. Love is no different. It will shrink and swell as our understanding of something/ someone changes. It takes more and more work and sometimes you don't seem to get anything back. That's what hope is for...
"a friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born of adversity."
p.s. I for one miss seeing you around campus or online :P
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